Residential Aliens Magazine
(affiliate links throughout)
(Writers: See guidelines below.)
In this issue of Residential Aliens you'll take a fantastical journey in a magical hot air balloon in B. Harlan Crawford's "Flight of the Sky Lantern." You'll also experience the speculative imaginings and short fiction of Dan Devine, Geoffrey Hart, Bryan Martin, Jason J. McCuiston, Mary Jo Rabe, and Allison Tebo. Jasiah Witkofsky provides the cover art and illustrations within Issue #12 along with an intriguing essay on the history and evolution of fantasy. Don't miss out on some of the best spiritually infused speculative fiction out there today. Edited by Lyndon Perry.
In this issue of Residential Aliens, we present stories by R. E. Diaz, Karina Fabian, Mary Jo Rabe, Rhys Hughes, Jasiah Witkofsky, Dustin Reade, and Drew Avera, plus a fantasy review by Anthony Perconti. This issue boasts quite an eclectic table of contents - everything from biblically inspired fantasy to swashbuckling adventure, modern fantasy to contemplative SF and speculative horror. Thanks for reading Residential Aliens - Spiritually Infused Speculative Fiction, edited by Lyndon Perry.
This issue of Residential Aliens boasts a wide array of speculative fiction – both light and dark fantasy, western horror, and space opera. Featured authors include: Matthew X. Gomez, Mark Szasz, Chuck Clark, Jasiah Witkofsky, a review by Anthony Perconti, and the conclusion of Dustin Reade’s three-part serial, "The Demon Stone." As well as an excerpt from T. M. Hunter’s latest novel, Chosen, Book 1 in his Demonkiller series. Get your next dose of spiritually infused speculative fiction with Issue 10 of ResAliens!
Issues 8 & 9 - May to Aug: Special Sword & Sorcery Double Issue
Tule Fog Press is proud to release this special Sword & Sorcery Double Issue of Residential Aliens! At over 200 pages, this collection features 12 short stories, 2 articles, and a continued serial adventure.
Contributors: J. Thomas Howard, Joseph L. Kellogg, George Jacobs, Jason J. McCuiston, Rob McDermott, Dustin Reade, Matthew X. Gomez, James Downe, William Paul Remington, Jasiah Witkofsky, Michael T. Burke, Gustavo Bondoni, and B. Harlan Crawford, along with a review by Anthony Perconti, and cover art by Gilead, edited by Lyndon Perry.
Available in e-book and paperback from Amazon (affiliate link).
Issue 7 - March/April 2023
Welcome to a new issue of ResAliens where you'll once again find a wide array of speculative stories - from an ethereal and ghostly tale by Gustavo Bondoni, to Mike Chinn's swashbuckling and sorcerous adventure. We also have cats in castles, a Lincolnian alt history, a rocket ship romance, and the beginning of an S&S serial from Dustin Reade. Plus a review of one of Moorcock's lesser known fantasies.
Residential Aliens - Spiritually Infused Speculative Fiction.
117 pages, e-book and paperback from Amazon (affiliate link).
Issue 6 - Jan/Feb 2023
From sword and sorcery to space opera, cosmic fantasy to psychological thriller, supernatural horror, and a sprinkle of steampunk, Issue #6 (Jan/Feb 2023) features stories by Adrian Cole, Mike Chinn, Cliff Hamrick, T. M. Hunter, Stoney M. Setzer, Mike Lynch, and H. A. Titus.
Grab this special issue of the relaunched Residential Aliens Magazine, edited by Lyndon Perry. “Spiritually Infused Speculative Fiction.”
76 pages, e-book and paperback from Amazon (affiliate link).
Past Issues...
The following back issues of ResAliens Magazine are still available
for purchase at Lulu in PDF and paperback.